Is your business strong enough to survive and grow?  

Business environments keep changing…and quickly.  

We are living in complex, confusing landscapes—economic, competitive, and digital 

Companies small to large are adjusting their business models so they can pivot effectively. To keep operations running, you need to know how to adapt or where and when to pivot.

Are you fully confident your business is sound and you have the flexibility to absorb a mistake?  

Just as you would check your car before a road trip to minimize breakdowns, you need assurance your business can navigate risk successfully.  

360˚ Business Review confirms your company has the right –  

mix of resources

solid revenue soures

operational processes from HR to sales


scale compared to competitors and potential


position in the marketplace

growth paths

Got Your Back Solutions doesn’t just identify problems and walk away. We can create an implementation plan and partner with you to chart a straight path forward.  We’re experienced at filling gaps and moving innovative businesses from vulnerable to solid competitors.

With a 360˚ Business Review, you gain   

strategic clarity, confident decision-making, and enhanced stability

data and key inputs that map your company’s straight road ahead

a reprioritizing of efforts and a rebalance of operations to ensure a stable foundation

understanding of gaps in business health and where blind spots may be lurking

Are you confident of the road ahead? 

We handle your personal information with the highest regard.
Please see Got Your Back Solutions’ privacy policy for details.

Not ready for a full 360˚ Business Review but have nagging worries about your company?  

Got Your Back Solutions offers Business NavScan, which is exactly that – a check under your business hood to prevent a breakdown.  Using an efficient interview format, we can show you where your company is robust and where it needs to strengthen 

You’ll come away with knowledge and road signs to guide good navigation decisions. 

We handle your personal information with the highest regard. Please see Got Your Back Solutions’ privacy policy for details.

Not sure if 360˚ Business Review or Business NavScan is the best choice? It depends on how detailed a roadmap you want to maintain your current bottom line and grow in these times

We handle your personal information with the highest regard.
Please see Got Your Back Solutions’ privacy policy for details.

Don’t leave without downloading our free “Top 5 Barriers to Business Health” guide. It will give you things to think about regardless.  

We handle your personal information with the highest regard. Please see Got Your Back Solutions’ privacy policy for details.


Portland, OR USA

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(503) 780-4210

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